2022 Aguascalientes World Records

Aguascalientes Mexico is a cycling destination for setting Track world records due to it being at an elevation of 6,172 feet; there is less wind resistance in the thinner air at altitude. It is a Peter Junek design, so a bit rounder than many other tracks, making the turn transitions less aggressive. It is the common 250 m length, but only 41 degrees in the banks, rather than the typical 45 of a Schuermann design. Gea had made many attempts to participate in record attempts at this track over the course of her cycling career, but finances, politics, and scheduling made it seem a fantasy. The records established here are official UCI records and one does not just show up and set a record. There must be certified officials and timing equipment to ratify the record, so there is coordination with a crew of professionals. Gea finally found her opportunity in October of 2022.

Gea had recently participated in the 2022 Masters World Championships in Carson, California, winning 2 World Championships and setting a new World Record in the 500 m time trail for Women age 55-59 of 37.489 seconds on September 27. This is an amazing accomplishment in itself, as this was after a racing hiatus of 6 years and her first foray back into racing.

While Gea has had a lifetime of athletic accomplishments, her biggest adversary is still stress, so it's important for everything to run smoothly to maximize her success. The Worlds were made challenging by the fact that she was using brand new equipment, some for the first time in the events themselves: a new bike with fancy wheels (only ridden 3 times previously by her) and different handle bars than what she was accustomed to, a borrowed helmet since hers had not arrived in time. The new equipment created setup problems where the seat position had to be adjusted just minutes prior to competing. A ratchet on her shoe broke requiring a last minute leather strap to McGyver it to hold. During the warmup for her first event, the mechanics had installed a training wheel that did not have sufficient grip and she slid down the track during warm-up, resulting in a massive bruise to her right forearm. The 500 m TT is a one ride, one chance event and after all the complications to get there, with coaches still standing in front of her with 3 seconds to go making adjustments, she got her ride in to set a new world record and win Gold.

During those championships, on September 29th she ran against a particularly aggressive rider in the match sprints, who after losing to Gea in the first ride, intentionally caused her to crash in the second ride. Details of that event are here. This injury would later have an impact; in her words:
"I was only able to manage 2 training days after worlds. I had to take over a week off because I had such a huge hematoma from the crash. I could barely move. There was massive swelling - it looked like someone beat my hip and upper glute with a hammer. It was totally black in color and was the circumference of a soccer ball. It just started to dissipate a couple of days before I came here."

On Saturday morning, October 15 at 4:30 am, she boarded a plane for Mexico after receiving a last minute invitation and sponsorship to ride Aguascalientes for record attempts. The next day, Sunday, she got some practice rides at the track.

Monday she had time for one 500 m attempt. She beat her record set less than 3 weeks ago with a 36.586 seconds ride.

Tuesday she increased her gearing to 52x14. The current record for the 200 m was 12.030 for her age group of 55-59. She was hoping to get at least an 11.9, maybe 11.8. For years she had focused on the 500, so she did not have nearly the practice needed to excel at the more intense 200 and also perfect the technique that is unique to a high banked wood track. Again, due to interfacing with officials and other riders, there is only availability to go for the record with one attempt. She pulled out an amazing time of 11.634 seconds, only about a tenth of a second slower than the 45-49 WR she set in 2015 of 11.533. This compares quite favorably with all other current World records for all Masters Women (the notable exception being Tammy Thomas who did her record after being tested positive on March 14, 2002 for a drug offense for which she was eventually banned for life).

And that same ride also broke the 250 m National Record for Women 55, without even knowing it was being recorded, setting the new bar at 14.743, beating 15.472 seconds.

Later that day, Gea had the opportunity to try to better her 500 m TT record, which she did with a time of 36.522 seconds. She was hoping for much better, however her recent lack of practice for the standing start was not as good as she knows she was capable of. Gea does hold the 45-49 WR done in Colorado on 10/7/2015 with a time of 35.328. So now Gea has the two fastest times of ALL Masters Women in the world of any age category.

Is that simply amazing or what?
During this record attempt session, 4 Records were established, 3 of them by Gea (the other a National 250 m M40).

Right after the 200 m record.